Golden QuillJesus Christ is Come in the Flesh

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already it is in the world. [1John 4:1–3]

The Bible Testimony

What does the Bible say?

Jesus is the Truth

Jesus is the Way

Hear what the Lord says

Three manifestions of ONE God

Unto us a Child is born

The Son is also the Father

He is God with us

Ths Son is God walking upon the Earth

Jesus IS the Father

Jesus is the Invisible God made visible

My Lord and my GOD

Eyes are opened

The spirit of antichrist

Deceivers deny that Jesus is God

Alpha and Omega

Do you confess that Jesus is God?

Jesus means "God saves." Christ/Messiah means "Anointed." 'Jesus Christ came in the flesh' means that God, as the Son, made Himself mortal flesh, as promised in Genesis 3:15, (the Promised Seed, the Messiah) and was anointed to pay the ransom for our souls through His own death on the cross, and was raised from the dead. The Son is the visible image of God [Hebrews 1:3]. As the Father, God always remains on the Throne to maintain the Universe. As the Spirit, He send forth His power. As the Son, He interacts face to face with members of His Creation.

God is so magnaminous that He came down to Earth to give every member of Mankind the opportunity for friendship and union with Him by making Himself a substitute who satisfied justice with His death on our behalf. The Blood He shed on the cross washes away our filth and guilt.

To receive salvation, we must humble ourselves and kneel in our hearts before His cross, admitting our wrongs and surrendering our lives to Him, to put ourselves in the right place where His precious blood flows down to cleanse. By receiving the Son into our hearts, we receive the power that resurrected Him from the dead – that aspect of God which is called the Holy Spirit – that we may no longer sin, but have our character transformed, enabling us to walk in holiness due to our gratitude for salvation.

Salvation is not through our own works, but through the Lord Jesus Christ's work on the cross; it is a gift from God. Nobody can boast that they earned their way into Heaven. No human being, no matter how well they behave, can ever be perfectly without sin; only Jesus accomplished that.

Please kneel and pray and receive His gift today.

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Page modified by Lanny Townsend on June 2, 2013
Scripture references on this website are closely paraphrased from e–Sword's King James Bible.