I came across some interesting articles on YouTube recently that deal with buildings where the first floors are buried more than halfway up to the windows. There are buildings like this all over the world. The explanation offered is that there was a great empire called Tartary, north of modern Russia, that used to rule the whole world, and this empire was either destroyed and written out of history, or the Tartarians themselves wanted to destroy the current civilization to give everything a restart. It isn't clear which is the case.
The mode of destruction was a device which caused the liquifaction of the soil, thus burying part of the buildings. Why? If the Tartarians wanted to start everything over, why did they not destroy the buildings entirely, rather than leaving intriguing architecture and remnants of their advanced technology to make following generations wonder? What happened to all the people? Some hypothesize that the adults were destroyed and their children loaded onto the orphan trains of the 1800s to be adopted, or used as slave labour on farms. Well, how were the adults killed? Rounded up and herded into concentration camps for destruction? It was suggested that radiation was used. Would not radiation kill the children, too?
The theories range all over the place, but there seems to be an agreement that the elites in control of the world destroyed civilization in 1812 and started all over again. They call this a "reset." Another thing most of them (perhaps all of them) agree on is that the Earth is flat.
Okay, let's start there and use a little common sense. We have night and day, which is easily explained by the model of a spherical Earth rotating around the sun. Some parts of the world experience day while countries that a globe displays as being on the opposite side experience night at the same time.
We have seasons in North America that are opposite to the seasons experienced by countries that a globe displays "down under" in the southern hemisphere. This is easily understood by the model of a spherical Earth rotating on a tilt around the sun.
In the northern hemisphere, we see the Big Dipper and other stars that can not be seen in the southern hemisphere, which is dominated by the Southern Cross. If the Earth is flat, the same stars would be seen all over the Earth.
Flat Earthers say that the horizon does not have a curve, yet when a ship disappears over the horizon, part of it dips and then the rest follows. We would be able to see ships for far longer if the Earth is flat, than what they can be seen on a curved horizon. Also, if one looks at Chicago and argues that they would not be able to see the whole skyline if the Earth is curved, the argument is made that, if the Earth is flat, the mountains behind Chicago would also be in view.
Because the Earth revolves around the sun and the stars have their assigned courses, astronomers are able to predict eclipses and the reappearance of cyclical comets; this cannot be done with the flat earth model. Also, when there is a lunar eclipse, the Earth's shadow appears on the moon as a CURVE. We'd all be sliding off the disc if it was turned sideways.
Flat Earthers argue that there are no short flights from Australia to South America, which proves it is not close by. Well, they are actually wrong about that. There are direct flights from Australia and New Zealand to South America. From Aukland, New Zealand to Santiago, Chile is 6005 miles and the flight time is 10 hours, 50 minutes. It would take a lot longer than that if the Earth was flat, as the pilot would have to fly on a curve and venture into the Northern hemisphere to try to trick the Flat Earthers into thinking that the Earth is a sphere. Check Air New Zealand and Quantas websites for flight time and distance verifications, allowing half an hour for take‐off and landing.
Airlines would have to use huge amounts of fuel to support the "fiction" that the Earth is a globe. For that matter, the cost of manpower and equipment for the purported guarding of the ice rim that supposedly surrounds the flat Earth would be astronomical in the attempt to keep people from discovering the "truth." An ice rim; really? It sounds as logical as the Earth being supported on the back of a giant turtle.
Thousands of airline pilots and millions of passengers have travelled by air for many years and experienced the properties of a spherical planet that revolves around the sun, not that of a flat Earth. Also, hundreds of thousands of seafarers travelled around the globe using navigational instruments, as well as charted their courses by the stars; calculations that work only on the basis of a globe, not a frisbee.
Flat Earthers say that they can't trust the images of the Earth that are taken by satellite and distributed by NASA. NASA has doctored the photos or produced them by computer trickery to convince us that the Earth is a globe? Why would they do that? What do they have to gain? It does not discredit anything in the Bible to say that the Earth is a sphere. If showing that the Earth is a sphere shakes a person's faith in the Bible, then their faith is very flimsy and fragile.
I don't believe everything that NASA does is on the level, such as the moon landing. I watched a video some years ago, produced in the UK, where professional experts showed the flaws in the propaganda film that was produced to convince the America public that the US was ahead of the Soviet Union in space technology, to calm fears that were aroused when Russia managed to be the first nation to launch a man in space. That, I can understand, but I see no motive to fool the public that we live on a sphere.
If we use the Internet to research the distance between countries, the results will indicate that we live on a globe, not stretched out on a round plate.
Ancient mathematicians figured out centuries ago that the Earth is roughly a sphere and they also figured out its dimensions and incorportated them on a smaller scale into the building of temples and ziggurats.
Religious arguments arise from Christian Flat Earthers that the Bible speaks of the four corners of the Earth. It is an idiom, a figure of speech, not meant to be taken literally.
Jesus said that the Queen of Sheba came from the ends of the Earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Sheba was a royal city of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is not at the ends of the Earth. It is not Australia or Antarctica, or the Arctic. It is actually quite close to Israel.
Jesus was using an idiom that meant the Queen or Sheba was the last person in the world anyone would expect to visit Solomon. She was an arrogant woman; it was beneath her dignity to visit another king, especially one who was only second generation, the son of a king who spent his boyhood herding sheep. See there; God uses idioms.
The Bible is not explicit about the spherical shape of the Earth, though the "circle of the Earth" that is referred to can be just as indicative of a sphere as a disc. In those days, the Israelites were mostly ignorant about physics and other sciences, and probably thought that the Earth was flat, so God refrained from making an issue of it, so as to not confuse them. Issues of character are always more important and need to be urgently addressed.
It is so ridiculous to believe that the Earth is flat, but Flat Earthers have worked themselves into a corner. It seems that many of them would rather hypothesize all sorts of explanations for the inconsistencies in their belief rather than face the painful embarassment that they have believed a delusion that wouldn't fool a middle school student. That is pride; it is a sin; they need to humble themselves and repent of it. Also, they need to repent of discrediting Christianity and the Bible by stubbornly persisting with such foolishness when people confronted them with reasonable arguments. Stubbornness is also a sin, which the Bible compares to idolatry.
Those who are proposing the Tartarian Conspiracy are appealing to the Flat Earthers as the most likely dupes to believe their theories about why so many buildings appear to have experienced a mud flood. I doubt that some of those who are posting the videos believe that the Earth is flat. Some of them could be playing games, probably sowing disinformation, mixed in with some facts to lend credibility to their assertion that vast numbers of people were killed to engineer a reset of society with a revised history.
To what end? There can be so many reasons for it. This could be the brainchild of anarchists who want to sow rampant paranoia and raise up a revolution against government authority. Granted, government is riddled with corruption, even the best of them, but anarchy is not the solution. We need laws and order to keep the general public safe. Sure, sometimes people are targeted because they've made an enemy of someone in government who is unscrupulous, but most people can live a reasonably good life, if there are police to enforce the law, first responders to put out fires or attend to injured or sick people and get them quickly to a hospital. God instituted government; He is never on the side of anarchy.
Perhaps some of the elites themselves have tasked disinformation agents to sow confusion and fear and start a war; wars are profitable for companies that cater to the military, as well as useful for reducing the population.
I love history and am intrigued by out of place artefacts and the creativity and craftsmanship of the furniture and buildings and monuments of the past, and I concede that there definitely is a lot about the past that has been concealed from the public, as well as the technology that is used by the elite and their minions. They have the machines that bore tunnels by melting rock and underground trains that can run from Los Angeles to New York in only half an hour. I have no trouble believing that the technology they use is 70 years ahead of what they release to the general public.
The Earth would probably be even more chaotic and cruel if the technology that is available to the elite could be accessed by everyone. It's bad enough that they have it, but at least it is used in a controlled manner rather than available to just any random criminal or terrorist to launch such utter chaos that life would be a hell on Earth for everybody.
One of the things that has come up on these videos about Tartarians is the free energy that was apparently used several hundred years ago. Now that, I don't really have any trouble believing. Discoveries were made decades ago how to access energy from air, water, and soil. All that was needed was the equipment, but the discoveries were suppressed by large, multi–national companies that charge a lot of money selling oil for fuel, though those free energy sources were not harmful to the environment.
I watched a video of a man in Russia filling up the fuel tank of his car with tap water. Apparently, there were cars in Russia from 1971 to 1976 that used water as fuel. Obviously, this was phased out as a concession to the oil companies. Also, it is a big scam to charge so much for gasoline and to buy it from other countries when Canada and the US have plenty of their own. There was vast reserves of oil that we now have the technology to access.
Knowing a bit about how these cartels work, I don't have a problem believing that hundreds of years ago, stoves and fireplaces were fueled by mercury, not by coal and wood, and that people had lights that operated by mercury. A lot of people would have died obtaining mercury for the upper classes, just as today in some third world places, men die at around 30 years old mining sulphur so that they can feed their families.
I read a comment below one of the Tartarian videos on YouTube by a viewer as follows:
I have worked on many huge constructions for National Trust and Heritage, plus private works on buildings like these in 17 countries over the years. I questioned lots and was told to shut up. Went quiet but so lots. Free energy was in past. Old fire backs, 2 rods in front and no flu. I was told off for pointing out 1 was warm to touch even though derelict for 80 years. Plate has straps on back that run to the roof which all had metal frames. Ceramic isolator at base of any rods or spikes that stick out which straps went to joists ( metal frame not timber), then to rods by fires. Also both ran into basement. All parts stripped apart from pulley in loft, cables to basement and iron balls on pendulum arms that swang out as it went quicker when spun. Much more going on ??also look at America's largest Mansion. This shows electric generator in use 2 years before the grid. Still on show today.
I don't find it impossible to believe that the energy cartel decided to switch to fossil fuels to make more profit. Lots of photos are shown of old mansions and government buildings with antennae and strange equipment on them. Possibly this type of energy was used only by people who could afford to pay for the equipment, either renting it or buying it outright. Maybe the photos were doctored; maybe not. But the photos that were shown of antique stoves all had a hollow ball on top that may have contained mercury to make them run; they certainly could not have run on firewood unless it was broken up into little sticks.
Was there a concern about mercury poisoning due to gases escaping from the heaters? That would certainly be a good reason to stop using them, but why erase all mention of free energy stoves and fireplaces from history books and novels? Well, why not when one has the power and resources to do so? There are a lot of scams that the elite are running on the public. If you go too far down those rabbit holes, the things you read or hear are horrific, though some are simply ridiculous.
I think the ultimate goal of the Tartarian conspiracy is to get people to believe the allegation that Jesus was actually some Byzantine emperor who concocted the whole Jesus narrative to immortalize himself; that the Jesus testified of in the Bible did not actually exist. If that is so, there is absolutely no hope for mankind, which is exactly what satan would have us believe. That would deliver everyone into his power, and we have seen what he does with his power when he is given rein: war, famine, sickness, torture, rape, slander, theft, ... every kind of evil deed.
I consider this mud flood conspiracy theory a distraction. Does it matter to me as a Christian? The Bible tells us what happened in the world up to the end of the first century AD, then it skips to the book of Revelation and tells us how it all ends. Those are the most important bits of world history and the future where all chicanery will be stopped and this polluted world with its elements will be melted in fire and replaced with a clean, new Earth and new heavens.
In the meantime, what is important? As I said earlier, character. First the redemption of our soul through the Blood of Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, who is God come down to Earth to rescue mankind, provided we each accept His gift of salvation. Next, the applying of His salvation to our daily lives. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so we might have been scammed worse than we thought, but how do we treat our family, our neighbours, strangers we meet? How do we handle our finances, conduct our businesses or do our jobs? Honestly, with integrity?
And what are we doing with the power and authority that Yeshua said He has given us over all the power of satan and his cohorts? Are we purifying our faith and doing the things that Yeshua said those who follow Him would do? All that He did and more? Are we healing the sick, casting out demons, taking authority over unruly attributes of nature? Boy, wouldn't that set back the warmongers who engineer massacres to reduce world population, if Christians were to heal the injured and raise the dead?
And how about praying for people who are sick because of contaminants in our environment and food and water supply, as well as in textiles and light bulbs containing mercury that have been imposed on the public. If you break one of those light bulbs and have to call in a hazmat team to safely clean it up, there go your energy savings.
Jesus spent far more time with the poor and middle classes, healing them and setting them free from spiritual bondage, than He did with the wealthy, and the power and authority He has given to His redeemed can continue to minister to those who are callously taken advantage of by greedy people. If we let ourselves get worked up about what evil people are doing behind the scenes, paying attention to the darkness and don't get ourselves to the place where we operate in mighty miracles, then satan will have us right were he wants us. Helpless. Useless to vulnerable people who need us to minister to them.
We need to get on the ball. I have found it very edifying to listen to Kat Kerr's videos on YouTube. In her ministry, she offers hope and encourages us to exercise our faith for mighty miracles.
As Christians, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and not get all snarled up in conspiracy theories that may or may not be true. Also, to remember that Jesus loves everybody; He died for all, even those elites and their minions. We need to pray for them that God will send them angels, both of the celestial and terrestial variety, to tell them who He is and that He has a good plan for their lives that will gain them eternal joy, peace, sweetness, and glory far beyond anything they can dream, and the best part of it is that they will get to live with Him, their Creator, forever, if they believe Him and choose Him.
Forgive everybody for the part they've had in messing up this planet, both environmentally and spiritually. Start with Adam and Eve, our first father and mother, and everybody else who was born since, all those long time ago uncles and aunts and cousins up to the present time; we're all related somehow, with first Adam and Eve, then Noah and his wife as our ancestors. We are all brothers and sisters in a human sense and it is satan and his horde who are the true enemies, the ones who are ultimatedly responsible for mucking things up. Kat Kerr says that when we forgive, it gives pain to the devils who control the person who offended us; it is like driving a sword into the demons' heads. The weapons of Christian warfare are not carnal; they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.
Maybe we've been making too big of a deal of sickness, thinking that it is hard for us to eliminate it through prayer and faith declarations. It's penny ante stuff compared to the Goliaths that have been hiding in the shadows and are not impervious to the power of prayer, if Christians only knew that those situations exist and need to be remedied through prayer under the direction of the Holy Spirit. It's time to reorganize our thoughts and put things in their proper perspective.
The Bible says, "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free." It isn't talking about knowing what is going on in the darkness. That stuff is likely to cause a lot of anxiety. The Truth referred to is Yeshua/Jesus. He said that He is the Truth. He is the Truth who sets us free, when we KNOW Him and His awesome power and perfect love. As the Bible says, "Perfect love casts out all fear."

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Page modified by Lanny Townsend on July 23, 2019
Scripture references on this website are closely paraphrased from e–Sword's King James Bible.