Earlana Manna
We pray "Give us this day our daily bread," but daily bread is much more than physical food. As Yeshua said, we are not to live by bread alone. Life is much more than merely staying alive. It was given to us for the purpose of glorifying God.
When the children of Israel wandered through the wilderness, God produced the miracle of manna to feed them. It was a steady, daily source of nourishment. Likewise, we need to feed daily on the Scriptures to nourish our spirit and effect changes that are pleasing to God in our thinking and behaviour, which give evidence that we have truly repented of our sins and are grateful for salvation that is found through the Anointed Lord Yeshua.
We can speed up the renewing of our mind when we read the Bible aloud. Neurologically, something good happens to the brain when we do that. It forms new connections, increasing intelligence, when we hear our own voice speak the Word of God. I also like to copy out the Bible by hand, and sometimes on my computer, for the same reason, in addition to reading the Bible aloud. In cases of brain damage, whether it is due to emotional trauma in early childhood or physical injury or disease, reading the Bible aloud can reverse it.
A lot of the insights that I share through the links on this page have probably never been spoken of in the pulpit. At least, though I have been a Christian for over forty years and attended churches that had gifted teachers, I have not heard them referred to. It isn't necessarily that those teachers never thought of these things themselves. Pulpit time is limited and generally geared towards teaching basic essentials.
Some of my insights have exceedingly blessed my soul as I have contemplated how God puts so much meaning into the verses of the Bible, many of which are overlooked in a surface reading. Christians often read the Bible as a project, trying to get through the Bible in a year, reading too quickly to get much out of it, except a sense of satisfaction that they are mighty fine Christians for having given a part of their day to personal devotions. Though it is necessary to daily read the Scriptures to give us spiritual strength, there is much satisfaction in chewing on a portion of Scripture, meditating on it and meditating on it, until something becomes clear that we have never seen before.
It's bliss, excitement beyond anything else, when God gives me revelation. There are no words that can describe how wonderful the wonders are that He unfolds in the wheels within wheels of revelation. If you have experienced it, or when you experience it, you will know what I mean.
I invite you to click on the links below and feed on some snippets of wisdom that Heaven has downloaded to me through various preachers, as well as through the my personal meditation of the Word.
I can not give proper credit to all the preachers who have built up my knowledge because my focus was more on what was said, rather than on who said what. I learned some of these truths many years ago, and don't clearly remember who taught them. Reality in the Kingdom of God is that the message is more important than the messenger.
Alabaster BoxAnimals in Heaven
Bad Company
Bitter Waters of Marah
Book of Enoch
Burning Bush
Captured Thoughts
Changing Times
Child Discipline
Denying Reality
Extra Virgin Oil
Faithful Messengers
Flat Earth
God or Hell?
Gods or Goons?
Greater Than John
Harmless Doves
Heavenly Visions
Holiness to the Lord
Interactive Bible Study
Jezebel Spirit
Judas the Betrayer
Last Battle
Lion on a Snowy Day
Loving God
Mandatory Marriage – to a Rapist?!!
Marred More Than Any Man
Married In God's Eyes
Micaiah the Mighty
Millennial Reign Deception
Multiple Universes
Mustard Seed Faith
Naming Demons
Religious Titles
Rewards for Support
Secret Place
Slaves No More
Supernatural Protection