The Majesty of God
Chapter 1000 – Diagram of the Soul
The following diagram explains how God constructed humans and the process they go through after they accept redemption:
Our spirit lies dead and dormant until we repent of our sins and receive Yeshua as our Saviour. At that time, it comes to life because Yeshua comes into our spirit to take up His abode there. As we yield to Him the kingdoms of our soul, more and more territory becomes purified and conformed to the image of Christ.
Salvation occurs on three levels. Our body is our outer rind and will eventually be saved at the resurrection when Yeshua returns to Earth. Those who have truly received Yeshua as their Saviour have been saved (in their spirit), are being saved (in their soul), and their body will be saved when it is resurrected.
It is in regards to the conforming of the soul to the image of Christ that the Bible refers to in Philippians 2:12, "Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Yielding to God to let Him change us is something that we need to take very seriously.
The righteous sometimes fall, but they always get back up on their feet right afterwards, instead of wallowing in their sin and finding enjoyment in it. They get help if they find themselves snared in a pattern of sin that they can't break out of on their own.
God does not expect the same degree of maturity from every Christian, just as reasonable parents do not expect a baby to work an eight–hour day. This is a sensible and liberating outlook.
If we do not, however, make continual progress in developing Christ–like character, then it demonstrates that we have not been abiding in Christ. This puts our faith in Him in danger of dying and our soul in danger of being cut off and cast out of God's Kingdom as a dead branch to be consumed by fire. Confidence in our salvation can be rightfully maintained only as we abide in Christ, otherwise it becomes a matter of presumption and delusion.