The Majesty of God
Chapter Two – Lucifer's Rebellion
Lucifer considered how God glowed brighter and brighter and His Presence became weightier and weightier as praise increased. He incorrectly surmised that it was thanksgiving, praise, and worship that gave God His power. He supposed that, if he could direct all the gratitude, praise, and worship to himself, he would be able to throw God off His Throne and take over. In his jealousy, he began to doubt that God told the truth about what He is and how good He is.
Who knows what maggots wormed their way through Lucifer's mind once envy and jealousy followed after his pride? Perhaps Lucifer began to doubt that God was omnipotent and omniscient as Self whispered its poisonous enticements to him to worship it. Lucifer pictured himself on God's Throne ruling the Universe. Yes, the ultimate in self–realization; having the rule over everything … including God.
Self whispered, "If God is all–knowing, then why does he not incinerate me on the spot for having doubts about his fitness to rule and for my desire to take his place? That's what I would do. He must have lied about how all–knowing and all–powerful he is. Here all this time, he has had me leading his worship, extolling his power, and he's a fake!"
To justify his rebellion against God, Lucifer expanded on this theme, coiling himself in lies. Having convinced himself that God was such a one as himself, prideful at the core, while putting on an act that he was humble, Lucifer supposed God's power was dependent on worship, and that He desired it to gratify His ego. The truth is that God is so humble that He waits for an invitation to participate in intimate communion with His own creatures.
Picture the Universe as a little house sitting in the palm of God's hand. The more earnestly we implore Him to meet with us, through expressing gratitude for His goodness and appreciation of His character and power, the more welcome God feels. He expresses His joy over sincere praises and worship by compressing more of Himself into the little house as its tenants fling open their doors to Him and urge Him to sit in the best chair.
Our praises make a throne for God inside of us and roll out the red carpet for Him. This is why the atmosphere can be sensed as becoming thick with God's presence and the anointing becomes "weighty" when God is worshipped in spirit and in truth. Hence, the meaning of the Hebrew word for glory (when the glorious Presence of God is manifested) indicates weightiness.1
We can participate in God's plan to restore order to the Universe with our worship because evil spirits are paralyzed as God's Presence becomes more intense. The Bible says in Psalm 8:2, "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings you have ordained strength because of your enemies, that you might still the enemy and the avenger." Babies and young children are completely sincere in their appreciation of God's gifts and it is expressed by their cooing, laughter, flapping hands, wiggling about, and other manifestations of delight. This is why satan hates children so much and seeks to rob them of their innocence and joy and faith in God, if he cannot prevent their birth. He and his angels are very afraid of children.
Lucifer is so far gone in evil that he cannot tolerate God's Spirit as he was once able to when he walked across the jewel stones of fire, feeling only fullness of joy when he was in tune with God's Spirit. The beginning revelations of God's holiness flickered in his mind in the Universe's dawn. God's holiness, however, became increasingly repugnant to him as he sank further into rebellion, and his weakening tolerance of God's glory became increasingly more difficult to conceal.
Lucifer likely fancied that there had been a war between himself and God; that God had somehow managed to gain the advantage over him and erase the memory of those events from Lucifer's mind. If such were the case, it would have been galling to him to imagine that his victor had set him up to be the leader in garnering the fuel (worship) that kept Him in power. And not only that, but also having Lucifer love Him and feeling grateful the whole time while suffering from this "amnesia"! His fury mounted with his delusions.
Considering some of the demonic delusions that people give credence to, in order to justify their rebellion against God, it can be surmised that Lucifer supposed there was a door behind the Throne in Heaven that opened to a wider universe where God was able to gather greater powers to foist his "trickery" on the known Universe. Perhaps it was worship that gave God the power to open that door. Well, if this was the case, then Lucifer determined that he would draw the worship to himself, until he had enough power to wrestle God off the throne and get to that door.
However, the only thing behind that door is God Himself and satan would get himself totally fried, if he could gain access to it. But he can't gain access to it because God cannot be removed. He cannot be budged from His rule even the tiniest bit.
By His very nature, God is invincible. He cannot be persuaded to step down from His Throne because His nature is Love. Love will not let the Universe slip into the hands of anyone who would turn it into a Hell and make it miserable for everyone and everything. Love would not make a creature that could overtake the Throne. Love requires the best one for the job of ruling the Universe to ensure maximum benefit to it; therefore only God Himself can rule.
Because Love designed all creatures, creatures can function at their optimum only if they operate in love – to do otherwise sets off a mechanism of self–destruction. For a human being to devote their soul and body to serving Self, instead of Love, is stupid; it is like pouring water into a toaster. Toasters were not made for boiling water. Anyone who tries to pour water into it will get a shock, and possibly kill themselves. Most people are trying to "boil water in a toaster," working against their design and towards their destruction.
Lucifer applied some "principles of positive thinking" to attempt to achieve his goals, which goes to show that the technique is limited in its results, for Lucifer is doomed to failure. The Bible says in Isaiah 14:13 & 14 that Lucifer affirmed in his heart, "I will ascend into heaven: I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."
Fallen angels, demons, and people can succeed only as far as God lets them. Isaiah 43:13 says, "Yes, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it?"
Besides that, the Bible tells us that people have no ability within themselves to change anything. Yeshua says in Matthew 5:36, "Neither shall you swear by your head (yourself), because you can not make one hair white or black." He was talking about the doctrine wherein human beings believe themselves to be a god or "God." He says further in Matthew 6:27, "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature?" He is saying that people have no power in themselves.
Our power comes from what we are plugged into. If a person is flat out rebelling against God, but managing to achieve an appearance of success in their lives, it is because they are tapped into demonic power, and satan is willing to give up some of the goods as bait to snare more people when they observe and envy the success of those who have sold layers of their soul to satan.
When people set a goal and tell themselves, "I can do it, and I will do it," and don't put holiness into the equation, they eventually find themselves compromising their morals (if they had some to begin with), when the opportunity presents itself to get what they want, though the means is not something of which God approves. They might achieve their goals, but it comes with a terrible price, far more than what it is worth, for the Bible says that it is only the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and ADDS NO SORROW TO IT. [Proverbs 10:22]
The idea that we ourselves are God, and by our own energies can realize our full potential through visualization, positive confession, and other techniques to achieve our goals, is a satanic lie – a blind behind which demons hide while they snare their gullible dupes.
On the other hand, there are many who have not fully submitted to God, but are fairly decent people because they allow the grace of God to enter certain areas of their soul. They have been given the grace to recognize godly principles, to evaluate the sense in them, and to open themselves in certain areas to God's wisdom. In this way, in spite of the tendency of humans to be selfish, God saves the world from being totally chaotic and destructive, giving people a chance to live long enough to choose to make Him their Lord. Either way, it is God or the devil tp whom we choose with our will to open ourselves. We are merely channels, not gods.
When Lucifer rebelled, he became a "god." The angels who followed him into rebellion became little gods, as well. A god (small g) is a creature who is Self–willed. Such beings desire to be worshipped. They wish to be in control of others for the benefit of themselves. They desire to make decisions apart from God's direction, though He knows what is best for every one of us as individuals. Only by this definition can people be considered to be gods, and it is a disgrace if they give themselves over to selfishness.
God's angels always refuse to be worshipped, for they have chosen to stay with the safe, wholesome, and honourable position of being God's servants. God's servants always direct worship to God. It is only those who humble themselves before God whom He exalts in due season. Lucifer set himself to convince all creatures to worship him instead.
It is to this end that New Agers urge everyone to daily pray a prayer called "The Great Invocation" to Lucifer. It is their futile answer to the Lord's Prayer, which Yeshua gave to His Church as a basic framework for prayer, and for His Body to come into agreement with to bring forth the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God, however, will come forth whether we choose to be a part of it or not. None of us were around when God made the Universe, except as an idea in His mind, yet the Universe still got made. Yeshua allows us to have a part in bringing forth His Kingdom to build our inheritance in Heaven, and to train us to flow with the Spirit of God, not because He actually needs our help.
The angels must have been perplexed about the discordance in Lucifer's movements and speech, as he jangled about the "virtues" of Self–realization and alleged that God is not all–knowing, as He said. The angels wondered why God would permit someone to stir up a mutiny. Maybe He really did not not know everything, and, therefore, did not know what was best. In curiosity, some turned their eyes away from God and began to listen to Lucifer. They, too, fell into the vortex of Self. Loyal angels hurried away in horror from those who preached the Self doctrine, but the fallen angels were fanatically intrusive and groomed in cunning arguments to seduce their fellow creatures away from the simplicity of God's wisdom.
Kat Kerr brings forth some interesting insights into this scenario. She says that it was the praise angels who were deceived, but the scribe angels and the warrior angels were not deceived. The praise angels were under Lucifer's authority, and the redeemed from among mankind replaces them as the chief praisers of God in Heaven. It is possible that she is right, but we each have the right and ability to make decisions to do God's will, even if those who are over us in authority disobey God, so it is also possible that some of the praise angels escaped Lucifer's snares.
Personally, I believe that many different types of angels chose to rebel, which accounts for the many varieties of demons that are now in existence, from tiny imps to giant principalities.
Kat said that the warrior angels did not know what God had made them for. They were always performing drills and honing their fighting skills, but they did not know who they were supposed to fight, at first, because there was only peace and harmony in Heaven. She said that Lucifer eventually approached Michael the Archangel, who is in charge of the warrior angels. He went to Michael's castle and told him that he was taking over, but Michael laughed in his face. Suddenly, Michael realized why God made the warrior angels.
It is very interesting how Kat Kerr describes the warrior angels that she has seen. Not all of them have forms similar to humans. Some have one huge eye in front, and an eye in back of their head. Some warrior angels have a band around their head that is studded with eyes. She describes some as having arms that emerge straight out from their chests. Some angels have no weapons because their bodies are weapons, and they morph into the required shape, like transformers. Whatever they look like, the redeemed have no need to fear them; these angels are set for the defense of born–again believers.
From what I understand about the Bible, I don't have any problem with what Kat says about this. The Bible doesn't specifically say these things about the angels, but it doesn't contradict these things either. God has many creative ideas; He isn't confined to conventional conceptions about angels. As for angels that operate like transformers, why not? There is nothing original that man or devil can conceive, for they are merely created beings; they can only counterfeit or pervert things that God has made.
Kat Kerr also states that it is a good thing that there is no love between satan and his angels, for then they would be really dangerous. They would cooperate with each other all the time, instead of fighting among themselves, jostling for position or getting revenge for hurts done to them. This distracts them from doing a better job of destroying mankind. It creates confusion among them and deters them from always effectively carrying out their tasks.
1kaw–bode', from H3513 of Strong's Concordance; properly weight; but only figuratively in a good sense, splendour or copiousness: – glorious (–ly), glory, honour (–able).
Click below to read:
The Majesty of God, Chapter 3