The Majesty of God
Chapter Four – Restoration
According to Genesis 1:28, God told Adam and Eve to replenish the Earth. Therefore it stands to reason that the Earth had once before been inhabited, if it needed to be repopulated. Also, the Hebrew words used to describe that the Earth was without form and void, tohu and bohu, mean that it had been laid waste and emptied. The word for darkness, the state that the Earth was in when God moved upon its frozen waters, describe it as being in a state of isolation and misery due to its destruction. What became of the inhabitants who were disembodied when the planet was destroyed?
Those who rebelled against God were consigned to an eternity of restlessness and frustration, frozen in their evil choice to rebel against God, seeking gratification through selfishness, but never satisfied. They are the minor orders of trouble–making spirits (demons) who afflict mankind, seeking human and animal hosts through which they can work destruction.
At one time, they were a beautiful and a powerful people who loved God and did only good things until, either as a race or as individuals, they decided to listen to Lucifer and follow him into rebellion.
The Earth's first inhabitants possibly were not made from clay, as mankind was. God can make creatures from anything; John the Immerser said that God could make people even from stones.1 The Creator can do anything, as long as it does not violate the law of Love. Perhaps He made the former Earth creatures from its air.
Though God did indeed create the Earth out of nothing, in Adam's day, He implemented a work of restoration. Genesis 1:2 says that God moved upon the surface of the waters. The description of Earth being covered with waters indicates that God destroyed the pre–Adamic world with a global flood, which is consistent with why He promised Noah and his descendents that He would never again destroy the whole world with a flood. They knew it as the usual way of destroying the planet.
Some argue that there could not have been a former race that was destroyed because death did not come into the world until Adam sinned. It is true that death did not come into the Adamic world until Adam sinned, but the world that was before his time is a different matter. The Adamic world is our world, but the world before Adam's time was the world of a former race that brought death on themselves by their individual sins, a race that had far more advantages than humans, but rebelled against the Creator. The very fact that this planet is physical and experienced the loss of the warmth and light of the sun, before the Spirit of God moved on its frozen waters, is evidence that it had experienced death.
Satan and his angels and the demons possibly spent millennia incarcerated in Hell, vying with each other for position and sinking deeper and deeper into evil, as they invented new twists of treachery and vice. Frustration increased as the conquered squirmed under the heels of their conquerors, and the conquerors found that satisfaction continually eluded them, regardless of their victories. Their atrocities gave them only momentary thrills and left them feeling more empty and frustrated than before.
After letting the rebels stew in their own juices for a while, God recreated this planet as a cradle for the race that He has destined for the highest honours of all His creatures. He has ordained that humans who have received redemption will sit with Him on His Throne and rule all the other creatures. All humans have this opportunity. The Bible tells the redeemed that, through Yeshua the Messiah, they are seated with Him in heavenly places. The Bible talks about various angels having the honour of standing close to God, but it never says that they sit on His Throne with Him.
The adversary attempted to fight boredom by provoking his minions and gloating over them in his lair when suddenly a door to the physical dimension opened up. Lucifer and his legions eagerly leaped through to spy on new developments in the temporal realm.
The Earth still hung suspended, frozen in darkness, just as it was the last time he saw it. Lucifer smirked in satisfaction at the destruction, but then uneasiness began to stir in his breast. He could sense that God was near, and that He was hovering on the face of that icy sphere.
Energy hummed as the power of God enveloped the planet, brooding over it like a hen covering an egg with her feathers. The planet shook as a great sound emanated in the darkness, like the roar of millions of waterfalls. Light burst forth from that unseen mouth, sending the planet into a spin as fire enveloped it, melting all its elements.
The spinning caused the elements to settle into layers like nacre on a pearl, possibly beginning with a core of fire that would act as a thermal nuclear furnace to help keep the planet warm. The Earth then slowly turned in shining glory, bubbling and heaving as it came into order, until finally every part of its surface had been exposed to the direction from which God spoke forth that there should be light. Angels burst into anthems of joy at every stage of God's work in bringing the Earth back to life.2
The Voice spoke again and said (in essence), "This is the Day, when you are turned to Me, and when you turn away from Me, it is Night." That is what I surmise He meant when He called the light "day" and the darkness "night," since there was no sun or moon at that time. It is a logical interpretation when the writings of the whole Bible are considered. God's voice is always pregnant with meaning, as well as with power.
Tormented by the purity and holiness of God's presence, satan cowered in outer darkness, but curiosity and the desire to make mischief compelled him to look again at the Earth to see what God would do next.
The mighty sound of God's Voice emanated again, commanding the division of waters. Lucifer saw the waters upon the Earth suck apart to form a canopy of hydrogen crystals above the Earth, with oxygen particles separating to join with other gases to form an atmosphere between the surface and the outer shell. The remaining waters upon the planet's surface swirled about in shimmering glory until the entire orb again displayed itself before the One who commanded it, like a dancing maiden, the crashing waves forming the frothy lace of her whirling petticoats.
God spoke and said, "The canopy above the earth is called heaven." Angels sighed in awe and possibly said among themselves, "It is very considerate of God to do this so slowly, so that we can see all the details of what He is making, instead of bringing it forth in the twinkling of an eye, which He is well capable of doing, but it is good that we don't have to wait more than 24 hours to see what happens next. This is so exciting!"
The next day, the sound of mighty waters rushed again upon the planet, shaking the glossy bubble that enclosed it. The planet heaved and land rose up. Waters upon the surface rushed down below the crust to join the layer of water that the crust floated upon. Little springs burst forth and flowed across the surface to convene rivers, which flowed down to where the land was sunk. Most of the surface was land, but seas liberally and evenly dotted the landscape.
A rumble of sound announced that the dry land was called earth and the huge bodies of water were called seas. The angels sang a song about the earth and the seas. Perhaps they sang that here one could walk, and there one could float and dive, and that each venue was one that would teach something of the nature of God. Various angels were assigned sections of the Earth to nurture, and others were put in charge of a sea or a river.
A roar of sound again came forth and, at its bidding, a lush carpet of various grasses sprung up in whirling patterns in shades of green and gold upon the rich, loamy dirt. Trees, bushes, and herbs popped out of the soil, all bursting instantly into bud, then bringing forth lush adornments of flowers and fruits. Plants also grew within the seas, some upon the bottom and sides, and others floating on top, taking their nourishment directly from the water.
Perhaps satan was enamoured by the beauty of the plants. It had been a long time since he had seen any living things, and eons since he had tasted anything wholesome. He reached forth his gnarled, scaly hand to pluck a fruit, but his claws passed through it. He had no physical access to this new Earth and could not partake of its treasures. He could only hunger for them, while they remained out of his reach.
For whom was all this bounty intended? If he could not have them, he didn't want anyone else to have them either. He wanted to make the plants wither and produce a stench, and for the fruits to ooze with decay.
Satan restlessly stalked across the darkened side of the Earth, tormented by frustration over what he could not have, and then a new thing happened.
On the fourth day, the heavenly bodies popped out of the spiritual realm like fireworks to join the celebration and take up their duties to the reborn Earth. Like a thousand points of jewelled light,3 the stars and planets and moons sprang out of the darkness, against the deep rosy pink of the canopy, which reflected the sun on the other side of the Earth.4
Unlike some of the other stars that became black holes in space, the Earth's sun was not destroyed. It was simply put into storage in a spiritual dimension.5 God still had work for it to do because His plan for the Earth is to use it as a stage upon which He displays His mercy. Contrary to the traditions of men, it is really the sun that the Bible is referring to most of the time when it talks of the morning star. Lucifer was in charge of it before he fell and lost his dominion over it. Its honour is now directed towards Yeshua.6
Job 38:7 speaks of a time when the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy to see what God was doing. It is suns that are stars, not planets. Describing them as "morning" stars indicates that this anthem arose when they first appeared in the heavens, and the fact that all the angels were present and happy about it indicates that God is speaking of a time before Lucifer rebelled. The stars appeared when God made the Earth, laying its foundations the first time. The stars of the angels who did not rebel were taken back into the spiritual realm when the Earth was put into isolation, and when it was restored, the remaining stars were released back into the physical dimension.
The Earth is the place that God has chosen for the New Jerusalem. It is a very special place in the Universe, and will be glorious above all other planets throughout Eternity because it will be the principal residence of the Messiah and His Bride. It will probably be enlarged when it is recreated.
The suns, moons, and other planets were made with age, just as Adam was formed as a full–grown man. A person who doesn't believe in the Creator may find that incredible, but it is actually more incredible that a person can truly believe that the Universe was formed by chance when is so obvious that this planet was made by design.
Since it was made by design, there has to be a Designer. Since there is a Designer, we, His creatures, must be accountable to Him in some way. Since we are accountable to Him in some way, He is closely watching us (not removed at a great distance and uninterested in what is happening on this planet). As each life is finished, the soul is required to account to its Creator for every thought, word, and deed.
In their arrogance, people try to put God under their microscope and set a condition for Him that they must be able to understand Him, and He must meet with their approval, before they will serve Him. No, no, no, no, no. You guys have got it all wrong. It is we who are under His microscope.
We are the ones who have to meet with His approval. When we don't make Him the Lord of our lives, we don't meet with His approval. When we don't let Him have control of us, we are a bunch of Self–centred, self–deceiving idiots. God came to us in a mortal body and lived among us to show us the Way back to the Father, but we, through our sinning making redemption neccessary, crucified the Son of God. By His mercy, Yeshua prayed on that cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." And Jesus (Yeshua) offers salvation to all who turn away from their sins and receive Him as their Saviour.
That the stars appeared after the Earth was made, were taken back into the spirit realm when the Earth was destroyed, and then returned after it was restored, is consistent with the findings of Soviet quantum physicists (mentioned by Dr. Carl Baugh on Kenneth Copeland's video about understanding Creation), that the Universe is young, being approximately only 6000 years old.
The contention that it takes millions and billions of years for the light of the stars to reach our planet is easily explained. The Bible mentions that Elijah was picked up by the Spirit of the Lord and set down in other places out of his enemies' reach. It also mentions this phenomenom in relation to Jesus and His disciples travelling long distances in a fraction of a second, and also Philip the evangelist travelling in this manner after Yeshua's resurrection. Scientists who specialize in quantum physics have been trying to reproduce this feat. They might be able to do so eventually, similar to how radio waves have always existed, but were not of any use to man until scientists learned how to harness them. The transporter room in the Star Trek television series simulated the principle of bypassing space to move molecules. In Christian circles, this is called "translation," and has been experienced by servants of God in modern times. It is no drain on God's power to cause a star's light to reach the Earth in an instant.
The suns' chamber, which is spoken of in Psalm 19:5, is the spiritual realm, and their tabernacles are their physical, visible bodies. All things in the temporal realm have their beginnings in the spiritual realm and are physical representatives of spiritual realities.
We can see from the example of Enoch and Elijah that material bodies do not necessarily have to be destroyed in order to enter the spiritual realm. They can just suddenly disappear from the dimension of time and space and enter Heaven, though it is likely that those men's bodies were shielded or changed to enable them to live there. Like the stars and planets and moons, in the Last Days, it is possible that these two men will return to this dimension and be the two witnesses spoken of in the Book of Revelation.
Planets and suns are under the governance of angels, with angels of higher rank governing the suns. That our sun was the star that Lucifer was given charge of is probably why sun worship is such a big deal in the Babylonian Mystery religion. Lucifer hankers for the days of his glory when he was honoured in Heaven and on Earth. The sun is a metaphor to the adherents of Babylonian religion for Lucifer, as well as for Nimrod, who was his figurehead king when the Babylonian Mysteries were initiated into the New World after the Flood.
What significance does the little planet of Venus, that shines brightly in the morning due to it reflecting the sun's rays, have that a bunch of these little planets in various galaxies deserve special mention in the Bible? None. Venus is not referred to in this passage in Job. Of much more importance to a planet is the star that rises in the morning, and gives warmth and light to the side that is turned to it. The sun supplies all of our planet's vegetation's needs for photosynthesis with its light, and by its heat raises water into a mist or rain to supply plants with moisture.
Our gratitude does not belong to the sun, but to its Creator, just as our gratitude does not belong to a candle that lights our darkness, but to the one who gives us the candle. The Hebrew word for sun is "shemesh," which means "servant." It serves both God and Man. Ungodly men worship stars, or aspire to be stars that are worshipped, but Amos 5:8 says, "Seek Him that makes the seven stars and Orion, and turns the shadow of death into morning, and makes the day dark with night: that calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out upon the face of the earth: the Lord is His name."
God reserved the appearance of the stars and planets and moons for the fourth day, after He put vegetation on the Earth to indicate the days of Earth's restoration were literal 24 hour days, rather than ages.
Many Christians, along with most of the world, have been programmed to believe evolution myths. They have been intimidated by arrogant, intellectual–elitist rhetoric, and therefore compromise Biblical teaching and their conscience lest the intelligentsia accuse them of not using their brains. The fear of man has caused them to place their own brains on the altar of Science (falsely so called), and rely on scientists to do their thinking for them. But, if those Christians truly believe the Bible, they have overlooked the obvious: vegetation cannot survive for long without sunlight.
Some claim that the Genesis account of creation is merely metaphorical, and that the theory of evolution and belief in the Creator can meld together. It is ridiculous to assume that God needed billions and trillions of years to create a little planet. He is GOD. He can do anything, as long as it does not violate the laws of Love. He doesn't have to do what textbooks insist on.
One might wonder how the writer can attest with certainty that the record of the Bible is true when it seems to be contradicted by the geological record. I contend that the geological record has been misinterpreted due to pieces of information that are missing from most people's understanding. Every layer of the Earth has not been explored.
A lot of scientists make assumptions about some things and they pretend that it is a fact. They do not know everything, and some choose to ignore geological facts that don't agree with their theories. Evolutionists assume that a certain level of radiation indicates a certain length of age, but they might be unaware of other factors that have affected the Earth – events that occurred centuries ago that the knowledge of has been lost or suppressed.
There are historical records of major catastrophic events that have affected our environment. Mainstream scientists, discounting them as fairy tales, have ignored them. Ancient Hindu records attest to weaponry that was probably atomic in nature, and their records speak of flying vehicles, as well.
Solomon affirms that there is nothing new under the sun; what is now has already been. The book of Genesis tells us that violence filled the Earth before the Flood. In a vision, I saw a great city hit by a weapon of mass destruction. In my spirit, I stood on the roof of a palace at the centre of a city when the palace took a direct hit. The explosion raced outward and evenly through the city, reducing everything to fine dust. It could be due to such weapons that antedulivian momuments and artefacts are rarely found.
Releasing a global flood possibly reduced a lot of radioactive pollution to a level that would permit Noah's descendents to live, though residual radioactivity contributed towards reducing the longevity of Earth's living creatures and plant life.
Longevity was also affected by the loss of the shield of hydrogen particles that protected the Earth from the sun's radiation and retained the Earth's electro–magnetic field, as well as retained a level of oxygen that enabled greater physical strength and mental acuity. Since the Flood, the Earth has been steadily losing its electro–magnetic field, and when it is completely gone, life on Earth can no longer be sustained. Apparently, it has been calculated that the entire field will be gone in approximately 1500 years.
Most people rely on what scientists tell them, not having the education or the experience or the ability to understand geology or paleontology. University degrees are not evidence of character. They merely attest to the fact that someone has attended university classes and passed exams that required them to write down the answers that their professors expected of them.
Scientists sometimes discover things in nature that contradict the theory of evolution and support the Genesis record, but most of them choose to ignore what their eyes can see because it is not what is accepted by the mainstream of their fellows. It will not serve their careers, if they try to bring information that supports the Genesis record to the public's attention.
Having neither the resources, nor a long enough lifetime to investigate everything from scratch, scientists rely on what the scientific community has established as facts, even if some of those "facts" have either been fabricated or derived from faulty conclusions. Some scientists are afraid of the scorn of their fellows, of having their intellect ridiculed, if they should concede that the Genesis record has more support than the theory of evolution. Even geniuses can be insecure and immature, permitting fear or pride to skew their conclusions, or what they will say in public.
Currently, however, at least 1000 scientists, many from prestigious universities, have boldly signed a document that attests they do not agree with Darwin's theories of random mutation and natural selection. To sign their name to the list, which is ongoing, one must hold a Ph.D. in a relevant field; or they must hold an M.D. and serve as a professor of medicine. A pdf of the present document can be viewed here.
The idea that everything on this planet evolved from a molecule or an amoeba is ridiculous. Plants, rocks, insects, fish, birds, animals, and people all came from some exploding molecule? How did this molecule manage to branch off into so many different forms, and how did those forms mate to produce after their own kind?
The truth is before everyone's eyes, and capable of being understood by even the simplest minds. This is because God is just. He does not put the fact of His existence and the possibility of salvation beyond the reach of anyone's grasp.
Can anything be too hard for the Designer? He surely doesn't need millions and billions of years to make anything that He wants to make, though puny, human minds insist that this must be so. God could have made the whole Universe in a split millisecond, but He slowed the process down in some places so that the angels could observe the marvellous thing that He was doing, and build their anticipation as they wondered about His reasons for it.
Even people who are not Christians, but have been raised in western culture and programmed to believe in evolution through the North American school system, sometimes manage to see that the theory of evolution is ridiculous. It was interesting to read the comments of a man who said that, for a time, he accepted what he was taught in school about evolution and assertions that the Grand Canyon was carved out by a river that eroded it over a period of millions of years.
When he went to see the Grand Canyon for himself, however, he figured that evolutionists must think everybody is stupid. Though he was an agnostic at the time, not caring whether a Creator was behind it or not, he could see that the scientists had to be lying.
He saw how the bands of earth were delineated without any breaks. He reasoned that it was impossible that over millions of years, the earth just sat there in tidy bands. Also, he found it impossible to believe that only one colour of earth existed for a period of millions of years, then another colour, etc. It was obvious to him that the coloured layers of earth were silt that had been laid down. Earthquakes probably formed the canyon after its silt was deposited by flood and water swarmed into the gashes.
The Bible tells us that there were monster earthquakes after the Great Flood. It records that in Peleg's day, the Earth was divided. It is referring to when a huge pancontinent broke up into smaller segments and were distributed across the globe. Land sunk to become larger, deeper seas and other parts speared up to become new mountain ranges. The equator developed a bulge at this period of time.
On the fourth day of restoration, satan sped east and saw dawn spreading across the sky as the Earth turned towards its sun. There it was, his globe of fire that he had once been in charge of, before it was taken away from him! And it was sustaining the life of fruits that he could not partake of.
After seeing the stellar celebration of the revegetation of the Earth, Lucifer retreated back to the cooler, dim side of the planet. As he stalked among the swirling mist of the Earth's watering system, he snarled in fury and tried to swat at the plants, but his claws harmlessly passed through their vines and branches and blossoms and fruits.
1And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.
[Matthew 3:9]
2Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
[Job 38:6 & 7]
3Some initiates into the Babylonian Mysteries know far more than the average person about the true history of the Earth, but they conceal that knowledge because it plainly shows God's hand in creation and events upon the Earth, verifying that the Bible is a reliable record of past events, as well as infallible in its prediction of the future. "A thousand points of light" is hidden code for the New Age agenda, whereby Man endeavours to exalt himself as the stars.
4Visit the Creation Evidence Museum website to find out more about the Earth's former canopy of hydrogen crystals and the colour of the sky before the Flood. Much of the information regarding Creation is from two Kenneth Copeland videos that featured Dr. Carl Baugh, Director of the Creation Evidences Museum in Glen Rose, Texas. Dr. Baugh does not think that there was an Earth previous to this planet, but I disagree with him on that point.
5Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices as a strong man to run a race.
[Psalm 19:4 & 5]
6I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
[Revelation 22:16]
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The Majesty of God, Chapter 5